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Praise to Pastor David Vaka for his vision, his heart & his passion in establishing this Apostolic movement.   My wife Janelle and I are proud in God to have been invited to be part of this great new movement of God. 

God is moving mightily in Australia and the Pacific region right now. 

I encourage anyone who believes that they are gifted of God to stand & be counted.  

As Christians, we are in an Army, the Army of God.   Each one of us has a designated position in Gods Order of Battle [ORBAT].  

Not everyone is called to be an officer i.e. one of the Five-fold ministries, but every Christian is a minister of God and called to a marketplace ministry.

Which calling is yours????


Designated throughout the New Testament {New Covenant} scriptures there is over;

  • 20 marketplace gifts &

  • 5 office callings


If you or your church are Apostolic minded I ask you to contact Ps. David Vaka via his web page.  Also, share this Apostolic group with your friends. 

God is calling you
to take up your mandated responsibility in His army.


  2020 Phil Shaw Ministries, Queensland, Australia

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