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My Christian Walk

Like many Christians, my walk with God has had its ups and downs. One day I was on top of the world, the next day I was living elsewhere.  As for Spiritual Fruit, they did not appear to be bearing anything in my life.  Irrespective of my endeavours, nothing worked out for me; actually, they seemed to get worse.

I spent many times where I walked out of the church, for one reason or another, but something ultimately drew me back into the church scene.  Once, I was fed up with the way I was being treated by various ministers and other activities happening in the church, so I decided it was over and I was not going back, God then challenged me with “Who do you go to church for, them or me?” and “Are you prepared to stay where I planted you?”

Like many others, I have experienced many phases where I struggled with God and His word, even though I had seen numerous miracles. I in simple terms, could not understand why things were not changing in my life. Though I believed His word as it is written, in addition to me believing that I was doing right by God and others, I was still going nowhere quickly. I, simply could not understand why I was not succeeding or progressing as I saw others doing.  

After attending a weekly part-time bible college of an evening, and listening to many pastors, I thought that the only way to get anywhere with God was to enrol in full-time bible college. Therefore, on numerous occasions, I tried to go to Bible College, but every time, something occurred to block it. Finally, I asked God why? He replied, “I want to teach you, "not man"”.

One day, the Lord impressed upon me to pray for the Elijah anointing. I did not even know what this was. However, by faith, I prayed for the anointing. He then began to draw me closer to Him and to show me things. I realised that He indeed was no respecter of persons. He wanted to transform me into the nature of His Son. He also wanted me to have what the Apostle Paul had, prophetic revelation.

When Jesus began to give me a revelation, I watched the things in my life begin to change. Things that tormented me as a young Christian began to wash away. I was stunned. I began to see the scripture from a whole new light and not just as being symbolical.  I realised that Jesus was speaking more deeply. He was revealing things that were hidden. It scared me at first, but then I began to bear Spiritual Fruit. As I began to see and understand these Spiritual Truths, they began to change me.

I did not understand the changes at first, but as God showed me more and more biblical truths, I could see more significant fruit in my life. From that point forward, I began to walk in a different realm of overcoming. Before it had been one defeat after another, but now it was one of victory. I began to understand what it meant to be more than a conqueror through Christ.

As I would get revelations and confirmation from the Father; I began to see current biblical teaching in another light; I saw erroneous teachings or understanding of scripture. I began to identify character traits in people, within seconds of meeting them with a high degree of accuracy. This prompted me, to seek further understanding.

I attended a School of the Spirit seminar in Brisbane run by Prophet Faylene Sparkes, at which time I began to realise that God was educating me in the prophetic. I became aware that I was actually using the insight gifts as per 1 Corinthians 12 of Prophetic insights; Visions; Words of Wisdom; Words of knowledge; Discerning of spirits etc.

This comprehension drew me into a place of greater faith and understanding, knowing that God was with me and working through me. I could pray for people and see them healed, as I spoke with people God would minister to them without me even knowing. It was not until later when people began to thank me that I realised what was happening.

As Jesus draws me closer, the more I desired to be a follower of God with all my heart.  My heart desires to see the whole church come into a deeper revelation of God’s Word.


Rabbinical Hermeneutics teaches that the deepest level of understanding the Scriptures is the “Sod” level* or the “secret or mysterious” level. This speaks of the hidden truths that God the Father wants us to search out. In order for us to see the deeper things in scripture, we have to study the mysteries. I want to see every believer come into that closer relationship with Christ and the victories that are ours in His Word.

I truly understand why Jesus spoke in parables. Understanding the symbolism in the parables releases the prophetic in our lives. If we understand the symbolisms, we can truly hear his voice. According to Romans 16:25-26, the Scriptures are prophetic, and the revelation of the mysteries is being made manifest to all the nations for such a time as this. 

* The fourth level, Sod, literally means secret.  &

* the fifth level, Sod of Sod, the secret of secrets,

  2020 Phil Shaw Ministries, Queensland, Australia

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