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First International Ministry

Though, I had travelled in the USA and Australia with Prophet David McDonald since 2002; I had never had the experience of ministering in my own right.  In January 2008, I was sensing that the Lord required me to travel to the USA around the middle of the year.

God Showed Me His Provision

In June 2008, I was attending a conference on the Sunshine Coast with a visiting ministry from the USA, Prophet Al Houghton and Pastor Robert Crabbe. After returning to my unit one evening, I had another great impression that I was required to go to the USA. Consequently, I just prayed “Lord if you require me to go to the USA. I shall require at least six thousand dollars ($6,000). If I get the money, I will go” and left it at that.  A few days after returning home, there was an unexpected cheque for seven thousand dollars ($(7,000) received in the mail.


The Challenge

Initially, I thought that I would just bank the money until I knew exactly where God wanted me to go, but I had said to God “If the money becomes available I will go to the USA”. As a result of this commitment that I had made, I went to my computer and contacted a travel agent that I knew to find out the costing of tickets and accommodation in the US. I made the bookings for the dates that I believed to be correct.

Weeks went by; I became more and more flustered as I did not have an answer as to where I was going. Prophet David had been sending out email after email contacting people/ministries that he knew in the USA to see if they would have me minister in their churches/small groups but to no avail. There were simply no responses.

During the week before I was due to fly out, I was very concerned and apprehensive. I said to God “What is going on! You want me to go! But where?” All of a sudden I felt a calm come over me and the words “Why don’t you have a holiday for the first week”, subsequently, I booked a few days in Los Angeles; Las Vegas and a Grand Canyon trip.

On the set date, I took the flights to Sydney and on to Los Angeles still not knowing where God required me. I checked in to my hotel then went out investigating the area. That night around 2 am. I received a call from Ps. David saying that he had received an email from a pastor in the San Bernardino region of California. They contact him to see if he had anyone available to minister in their church. He gave me the pastors’ details and at an appropriate time, I contacted them. Everything dovetailed together with my holiday plans and their requirements.

It was Gods timing that counted,
Not mine.
He was after my obedience and availability,
Not my Ability.



The Rewards of Obedience

I was rewarded by God for being obedient to him and everything that I had on my Goals and wish list came to pass including the birth of my Grandson in England, the first male in my family in 57 years. God was so caring, that He even allowed me to have a time in England to see my daughters; Grandchildren and to see the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, something I had desired since I first saw it on television years before.

I was able to forge a long term relationship with people in San Bernardino California. I regularly receive emails asking when I am going to return. One person emailed me to advise me that they had moved out of town but would come back for meetings when I returned. This is a strong bond forged in the Lord.

God Cared!
Even about the little things!
including my desires.

When I remarried in 2009, the Lord gave us the opportunity to return to San Bernardino for ministry while on our honeymoon. Since then Janelle and I have returned there twice.

We also have had the privilege of being asked to minister in South Carolina, Georgia, Redlands California.


  2020 Phil Shaw Ministries, Queensland, Australia

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