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My Passion


My passion is to see Gods people who are sitting in churches today, who are either not fulfilling their role/calling in God or as yet, don’t know what is their rightful calling/role is in God’s kingdom. I desire to see them identify their gifts and fulfilling their calling/roles.


There is a great deal of teaching around the Five-Fold ministry of God. However, it appears that there is minimal teaching of the other twenty-plus [20+]  functional, but significant ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit.


The lack of knowledge of these gifts can lead people into the error of fulfilling roles, that are unsuited to them, nor are they Gods desired calling/role.


I have attempted on several occasions to attend bible college, but each time my efforts were blocked. When I sort God in this matter, He clearly directed me that “He wished to teach me and not man”.


Consequently, my ministry training has been on-the-job training, primarily mentored by Apostolic Prophet David McDonald.  My wife Janelle has complimentary gifts that I lack.


I have held numerous roles within various churches and worked in broadcasting, including management of a Christian Broadcaster. I am also an officer of the Courts of Queensland, serving our community as a Justice of the Peace Qualified.


Our itinerant ministry has primarily been in the USA and Australia.  We have a desire to minister in the USA, UK and Singapore. Consequently, we are seeking God for doors to open with opportunities in these regions.

  2020 Phil Shaw Ministries, Queensland, Australia

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